Wednesday, October 28, 2009

4 years ago today..

we welcomed our second child into this world! Another beautiful healthy baby boy. Like the birth of my first child, it was a day I will never forget. I elected to have a repeat C-Section this time bringing both our camera and camcorder. My husband got some amazing shots of our new little man. I especially love the one of my son and I as the nurse brought him over for me to see him. I have it framed on a shelf in his room in fact.

I can't believe four years has passed. My baby isn't so much a baby anymore! He's in preschool with only 2 more years until he starts Kindergarten. He is such a handsome little guy with an amazing personality. He loves trains and cars and has a great imagination. He loves to play by himself and always includes his own sound effects. He loves trains so much that we had a repeat Thomas the Train birthday party at a near by park that has rides for the kids including a train! Unfortunately the train ride broke down an hour before his party, but he still had a great time. It truly amazes me how much my baby has grown and changed over the years! Where do the years go?

Happy 4th Birthday Cameron. Mommy and Daddy love you!!!


Pineapple Princess said...

I am so, so super excited for you and your journey to your daughter. What an amazing path you are on. I will pray that things go smoothly for your process.

Adoption is the biggest blessing!!!

Me, Myself and I said...

The background looks great. It's one of my favorites.

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